The Sun'll Come Up in the Morning

During high school I had a wise cross country and track coach. He had a very important sentence to guide any sort of disappointment we may have in ourselves, in our team, or in the outcome of a race: “The sun’ll come up in the morning.” He meant that tomorrow we could train again orContinue reading “The Sun'll Come Up in the Morning”

What Lies Before Us

Genesis 13:9 Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.” –Bible, New International Version Today, I’m writing on the word before. Five Minute Friday had that as the word prompt of the week.Continue reading “What Lies Before Us”


146. We are God’s children, and thus we are his “Dependents”…He will take care of us. 147. Being free from worry. I trust He will provide peace whenever I need it. 148. Joy…celebrating time with the Father 149. Love…being grateful for God’s never ceasing love. 150. Hope…knowing there is an eternal kingdom ahead of us.Continue reading “Dependents”

The Knowledge of the Holy One is Understanding

121. Scripture written down: Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” 122. A full-ish calendar inked in colorful fine tipped Sharpee outlining my days until I return to work. 123. A 1099 Misc. form showing my income for 2019…an added incomeContinue reading “The Knowledge of the Holy One is Understanding”

Love thy Enemy

116. Tumeric glow tea with a dab of honey 117. Praise mix on Spotify 118. A new job offer! 119. A new beginning on the horizon for my husband job wise also. 120. Faith in the Father to design our occupational paths. Dear God, You are in control. We see our enemies at work sometimes.Continue reading “Love thy Enemy”

Be a Light

106. An old tea cup from my mom “A Mom’s love is extra special” etched on the side. 107. The great company of God’s Holy Spirit with me as I listen to praise music. 108. Scripture…today’s verse: “Let your light shine before men (and women), that they may see your good works and glorify yourContinue reading “Be a Light”

Joy in the Morning

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 59:16NIV 91. Hot tea with honey and fresh lemon 92. Sitting tall so that my posture corrects 93. Reflecting on our sweet neighborhood gathering for the SuperContinue reading “Joy in the Morning”