Sweet Summer Reading

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you’re ready for some good summer reading…I’ve got two ebooks for you to check out! Both are available via Amazon for your Kindle!  Both of these were written by fellow bloggers.  They are women who wrote books that were on their hearts to share…one fiction, and one non-fiction.  Below are links to the books:

Cupcakes on a Tuesday by Sarah Williams


Cupcakes on a Tuesday is a funny book about motherhood.  Sarah writes about the comical aspects of motherhood sharing her true story of being the mom of four children…three boys and girl.  Sarah and I met in Kansas back in our early mother of one days.  She and I had our second babies around the same time.  She is a sensitive mom who found the time in the chaotic days to sit for a bit to write down her stories.  This short chapter book is delightful!  Kind of like the title!  If you are a mom you will really enjoy this one.  If you know a mom…send it to her Kindle or give it as a recommendation.  If you’re not up for an ebook but want to read another blog about motherhood: The Functional Mom

A second summer read if you’re looking for some fantastic fiction is a book by Crystal Walton, Eyes Unveiled. 


*This book is available in paperback or ebook format.

Eyes Unveiled is a romantic comedy about a young woman named Emma who is in college and desperate to find her way.  She doesn’t know where her career or love life are headed, but as she finds herself she also finds love.  I read this book awhile back, and I left me feeling a bit deflated at the end.  However, I learned it is a series!  So…I’m looking forward to the release of book two this June!  If you want to read more about the author and fellow blogger, visit Crystal Walton.  Please join me in reviewing her books and sharing them with others.  She is looking for people to review book one and read book two for free!  If you know a recent high school grad or a young lady in college…this would be a good read for them as well!  It took me back to memories of my college days.  Those days when I was young, fear filled, and yet care free.

Being a blogger and author is a calling.  Not everyone has “followers” or reviewers, but in those who write for the Truth…there are blessings to be uncovered.  Thank you for reading my blog.  I hope you take time to write and share your own words.

Dear God,

You Write our story.

Forgive me for questioning the next chapter instead of enjoying the present one.

Give us peace so we can settle in to what you call each of us to do now.  Today.

Thank you for giving us places to read and write.  Help us to continue to encourage and love one another as you first loved us.  There are many ways you open our eyes.  May we have “eyes unveiled” to experience life to the full.  Give me the joy that comes with “cupcakes on a Tuesday” or whatever random sprinkles of sweet moments you present to my day today.


Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

3 thoughts on “Sweet Summer Reading

    1. Crystal-
      I hope you’ve had a good day. Mine has been busy but beautiful. Our kids are wrapping up their school year this week and next. It’s that wild juggle between mom, wife, and work! I look forward to reading your book in June! Jenn


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