Early to Rise and Race

A lazy life is an empty life, but “early to rise” gets the job done.

Today’s Five Minute Friday prompt word: “Rise.”

I’m an early riser.  Yes, I go to bed early too.  Even if I stay up late, I still rise early.

Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 7 p.m. and woke at 4 a.m.  Weird.  I know.  But if you’re a mom you are likely nodding your head or smiling because you have done something similar at some point in time.  We sleep when we can and when we have to.

I rise early because I like to.  It is quiet at my house, and I can get a whole heck of a lot done before dawn.  Today, I’ve already checked Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and bought $70 worth of books on Amazon for our boys’ birthdays (both June bugs), and a book for myself to read this summer.  Cashing in on a American Express offer for $20 back on an Amazon purchase.  Yes, please!

If you want some ideas for summer reading please look at my post from yesterday: Sweet Summer Reading.
There are two fellow bloggers who would love for you to read their books!  My friends Sarah and Crystal are great writers!

Now, please tell me, what do you do when you rise early?  Write me a comment pretty please!  I love comments, and I don’t get many.

I have already finished a cup of coconut vanilla tea with honey, and I will soon fold some laundry and meet a mom friend for a four mile run/walk/talk time.  Cheers to the weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!
Dear God,
You are the One who helps us rise.
Forgive me when I do not rise to do the things you ask.
We can easily become lazy or self centered.  Help me to pray, seek your guidance, and experience your love through moments of EVERY part of today.
Help me to have a “fun Friday” (as we call them here at our house)!  Love you Lord.

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

10 thoughts on “Early to Rise and Race

  1. I’m honestly impressed that you got that much done, that early in the morning. 🙂

    I have trouble waking up early, even though I almost never stay up late. Chronic fatigue syndrome (or whatever they call it now) keeps me in my bed or on the couch for long stretches of time. God has been teaching me that, for me, it’s not about how early I get up or how many hours I have, but it’s what I do with the hours. How am I am spending them? What am I doing with the moments He gives me?

    Your words here are a good reminder to not waste a second!


    1. Marie-I’m honestly impressed that you take the time to blog and comment on others’ blogs when you, yourself, don’t feel well. I will be praying for your fatigue, and may we all continue to hold God as a teacher who gives us the gift of many minutes, hours, and days.


  2. Great post! I’m not always an early riser but when I do, I love sipping some tea and reading a good book or simply spending some time with God. May you have a great weekend too!


  3. Jen,
    Loved this! You remind me of the Proverbs 31 wife with your diligence and early rising. I am intrigued and inspired!
    So thankful for you and the fmf friends I’m gaining. #gladyoulikedthevideo


    1. No Proverbs 31 wife here…I’ve got some flaws and areas of work to do as do we all! I’m thankful that you even said that though…we do strive for that don’t we?! 🙂 Hope you have a good day. I’m up at the grand odd hour of 3:27 a.m. Please pray for sleep. I need it! Jenn


  4. Jen,
    You are the Proverbs 31 wife! I am inspired by all you are able to do by rising early!
    Great post and thanks for coming to say hi. #gladyoulikedthevideo #fmfparty friends are the best!


  5. Good Morning Jennifer, I am an early riser as well. I have already done several things 🙂 I rise early because I truly must to fill up my heart & mind so that my day honors Him. May you have a wonderful, long weekend!


    1. Thanks for coming to read as you do your early morning stuff! I’m in agreement with you…when we fill up on Him in heart and mind it does make for a better day doesn’t it? I hope you have a wonderful weekend too. I’m off to bike to our kids’ school to volunteer in K for Super Science on sea shell sorting! 🙂 God is in the unique things of all!


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