My American Dream


Our family lives on one income.

My husband is the bread winner.

However, I also work part time.  My money is not factored into the bottom line.  I work about eight to ten hours per week as a contract speech language pathologist.  I like what I do, and I would work full time if need be.

As a mostly stay at home mom, some people would say we are “living the American dream.”

My husband earns a great salary, and we have healthcare…yadda yadda.  We have a 30 year mortgage, and we’re two years in.  We have moved from an apartment to a small house to a larger house back to a town house and then another house.  Now, this house.  We have lived in three states and owned four different homes.  We are coming up on our 12 year anniversary.  We have 2.0 children.  We live in suburbs in a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath house…with a pool.

A pool?  Yes, my husband insisted that we have one when we moved back to Florida.  We also have a natural spring in our backyard.  This is the American dream to me.  We live in a beautiful place, we pay our bills on time, and we keep a budget.  We take out weekly money…cash from the ATM for food and misc. 

When the cash is gone, we do not go out and buy more.  We live on what we have.  We have a lot.

We have more than most.  And, I’m thankful that we can share our blessings with others.  I love our children and my husband so very much.  I count our gifts.  There are tangible and intangible ones.  Gift counting is why I started my blog.  What motivates you and your family?

Do you count gifts or count your dollars more often?  My American dream is fulfilled.  It looks different for each person I do believe.  I’m thankful we live in a country where we have the freedom to dream, do, andlove our Lord as we work to do what He is calling us to do for Him. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

We praise you for bestowing blessings upon us.  You are the Giver of all things.

Forgive me when I forget how lucky and blessed that I am.

I ask you to open my heart to you daily.

Bust me open to feel love for others, for You, and for the dreams you lay upon my heart.


For more on the American Dream and how it is not tied to dollar signs you may enjoy reading this post by Joshua Becker:

Thank you Mr. Becker for inspiring me to ponder “The American Dream.”


Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

5 thoughts on “My American Dream

  1. Thank you so much for nominating me! You are a faithful reader, and I so appreciate that…award enough. I will visit your blog absolutely! It is an honor to be a part of the blogging community. Especially the moms that fit it in for the fun of it and for the sharing of our faith! Jenn


  2. Hi! I am not sure if you are interested in blogging awards, but I just nominated you for two awards! Please visit my post: Sunny and Versatile to see your blog included. Thank you for your wonderful blog!


  3. Your children are also lucky – they have a mom who is able to spend time with them and love them. I was also a stay at home mom for many years and I can now see the fruits. I say well dome to you and your husband for making the decision to be happy with what you have and not want more for the benefit of your children.


    1. Colline,
      Thank you for those words of affirmation. Mom to mom they matter! It is a hard decision to become a stay at home mom, but I reaffirm that gift year after year. Our kids grow quickly! Money is relative.


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