By Grace We are Saved

26. Cats; They snuggle up and give you something soft to pet.

27. Sleepovers; our ten year old had a friend spend the night last night, and it was precious to overhear there talk time about the details of Harry Potter and other creative stories.

28. My wedding rings; they sparkle in the lamp light.

29. Bills paid; we have had more bills roll in than usual, but we have found the money to be there in small amounts and short term payment plans that work for us.

30. Arbonne training today; a chance to interact with other women and make a business plan while in yoga pants!

Dear God, You are the Master Designer of our lives. Forgive me when I try to design my own way. Give me the hope, grace, and love to make the journey with You. Thank you for all of the blessings above and so much more. Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-9 [Full Chapter]
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 - Saved Through Faith - Bible Verses To Go

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

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