Living Out Long Days

Living out long days is hard.

Waking up early, doing the daily demands of work, and household stuff is exhausting.

It is also enjoyable if we pause to breathe, look, listen, and enjoy the little things happening.


I often wake up thinking about what is on the docket.

What do I have to do today?  What is on the calendar for our family?  Where do we have to go and when?

However, I have recently found that the things that were not on the calendar are my favorite parts of the day in the end.


The impromptu yoga class was my best part of Monday.

Tuesday seems a blur I cannot remember the best part of that day.

Wednesday was awesome because my husband and I caught up on some episodes of our favorite show that evening…together after the kids were tucked into bed.  He with ice cream…and I had my own homemade chai tea latte with pumpkin creamer.

Thursday we ventured to the back of the neighborhood on bikes when the neighbors rode by.  We quickly joined.  We ended at their house where a “fort” outdoors was continued.  The kids even had help from our sweet neighbor man who landscaped…fresh bamboo to create a wall of privacy and future adventures for our children.

Friday I fell asleep on the couch at around 7:45 p.m.  Because in a snap shot…it has been a busy week…a LONG week.  Weekend is here folks, and I am thankful for the adventures and rest that lie ahead.

What makes your week LONG??

How do you create space to breathe??

Dear God,

You are with us for the LONG haul.

Thank you for giving us moments to slow down and notice the gifts of grace that are in each day.

Give us the strength for today and some Holy breath to make it through.  We need Your Spirit to flow in us.


Linking up with Five Minute Fridays and other bloggers writing about the prompt: “Long”

p.s. Visit me on Instagram at graceglimmermom if you want to see the fort!

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

8 thoughts on “Living Out Long Days

  1. Beautiful picture of slowing down and savoring a His goodness. God has been asking me to do that lately…in fact I’m sitting on the back porch with a cup of hot green tea, savoring Him, through your words. Thanks for sharing!


  2. My week went by pretty quickly. I think because it was Thanksgiving on Monday and therefore we had only 4 days. Now I am off to try find you on Instagram. Here’s holding thumbs!


  3. Popped in from #FMFparty. I love how you chronicled your week, intentionally picking out the parts that blessed you. Definitely a wonderful exercise in being thankful, and one I need to be intentional about. Thanks for the idea.


  4. Hi Neighbor! Stopping by from FMF. Some days do seem long. Modern living has us all so busy. Some day I long for simpler times. I agree with you- the best days happen when we allow ourselves to be open to the adventure of it all and aren’t so rigid with the long to do list. Those lists are what make days longer. I love to get breathing room by finding joy in the little every day things and being in the present moment. Miracles are everywhere! ~Rebekah from


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