Salvation in Singing

You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation.
Singing is a positive verb.  When people think of singing, I think they generally think of joy.  Likewise in this passage within 1st Peter we read that although the people he was writing to and we have never met Jesus personally in the flesh, they trust Him…I trust Him.  I trust Him more when I’m joyful, singing, playing, and being child like.
Image Credit: Rachelle Laura
I have the privilege to act childlike three days a week for a paycheck and seven days a week as a mom of two boisterous boys.  I am truly not a great singer, but I’m okay.  I was taught how to read music, play the piano, play the flute, and really do love all kinds of music on the radio.  Music is transforming.
Image Credit: Music4Munchins
Transforming on minds and souls with music is truly a neurological and emotional thing.  I bet you didn’t know that even after a stroke many aphasic adults can still sing even if they cannot talk well.  The centers of the brain for music, and especially well learned songs (e.g. Amazing Grace, Happy Birthday) remain in tact.  When testing adults in an acute hospital in rural Georgia the veteran SLPs (Speech Language Pathologists) taught me that we could try to sing with those who had just had a fresh stroke.  Often they could not answer basic questions, but they could still sing those songs perfectly!
Image Credit: Blog Wizig
Songs in therapy are useful.  I work with pediatric clients now.  Most of my kid clients are ages 18 months – 5 years.  I use Melodic Intonation Therapy with them too.  Our brains are malleable.  They can change with the neurological magic inside of us.  God gave us that.  I truly believe he made our brains with plasticity so that we can recover from accidents and unlock potential in children with Austism Spectrum Disorders and other language delays/disorders.  So today…sing.  It strengthens a part of our brain.  It is joyful.
Dear God,
You created us with mouths to sing. 
Even if we cannot sing we can listen to singers and appreciate the messages.
Forgive me for not singing more.
I realize my salvation is secure in you. 
I can sing songs of praise and cry out to you in need.
Help me to sing praise to you and to be happy in my days here on Earth.
Salvation is available to all. 
We were made by You, for You, and live with You in our hearts.
p.s. Two interesting links about Melodic Intonation Therapy if you want to read more:
If you wish to read more posts on the prompt “SING” connect with Five Minute Fridays over at weekly and watch weekly for Friday’s blogger link ups.

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

4 thoughts on “Salvation in Singing

  1. What an interesting statistic!p about singing after a stroke. I’m not good at singing but I love to jam to the radio. I’m in the 49 spot this week.


  2. My daddy had dementia and even when he couldn’t remember a lot of things, he still remembered the hymns he loved all his life. It would be so cool to hear him still singing and knowing all the words.


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