Rest In Him

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 NIV

A 2014 wrap up of what I’ve learned about my God Sized Dream.  A long time ago, Holley Gerth encouraged readers to think about God Sized Dreams…what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do?  Whispering?

I pondered that, and I felt led to start a Moms In Prayer group.  It started with a big vision of many sweet moms gathered in prayer at our church praying for many local schools.  In reality, it has been a time of rest for just two people…my friend Dana and me.  We gathered for a few weeks at the church, and when no one else came…we moved it to my house.  We live in the same neighborhood after all!

After all the big dreaming, praying, wishing, and hoping…God has shown me that sometimes our dreams are bigger than His plans.  He likes small.  He also likes big.  If you have a big thing going…great!  If you have a small one going…that is great too!  I’ve been reassured that sometimes MY plans are really good in theory, but in reality so many women are busy with work, sick children, errands, and such…that very few can carve out an hour every week to pray.

Prayer is private usually.  Praying in public is odd and awesome.  I have really enjoyed getting to know Dana more, and through our little weekly prayer times we have lifted up our children, other’s children, moms, dads, teachers, friends, and neighbors.  We are praying for some of you reading this perhaps!?

Perhaps resting in Him is what it is all about.

Rest in Him as you read the Bible.

Rest in Him as you pray from wherever and whenever you can find the time.

Rest in Him on the couches of your living room.

Rest in Him as you drive your car…find that Christian radio station or CD to lift your heart a bit.  Or jam out to the secular music because God loves all!  Our kids even find rest and joy in 1970s classic rock!

Rest in Him as you drink your coffee or tea.

Rest in Him to shape your day and your dreams.

Dear God,

You are Master of each day, week, month, and all years.  Forgive me when I want to be the one at the helm.  You are Our Captain.  Teach me to enjoy the ride on this glorious ship called LIFE.  May we love one another and rest in You often as we pray and play.


Photo Credit

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

6 thoughts on “Rest In Him

  1. I love love this! thank you so much! 🙂 I to learned this year in some ways the small things were the big things God was up to! I ended up resigning as small groups director at my church and then ended up leading a small group with only one couple from my neighborhood instead of being leader from all small group ministry at church and that “small group” with my neighbors was incredible . They both accepted Christ and it was so exciting to watch them grow


    1. Eternal blessings are far greater than earthly bounty! Quality not quantity. I think God was on to something when He had Jesus choose only 12 disciples instead of 100s! 🙂


  2. I can totally relate. God put in my heart a year and a half ago to start a prayer group. Our church has about 1600 each week, yet our group is usually a whopping 6. We know God brought the right people in, and He can always bring more.
    Keep being faithful!


  3. I think God can do some BIG things in the small…it’s kind of been the theme of my life lately, specifically to focus on going deeper vs. wider. I love this…praying blessings on you today and in the coming year, my friend! So grateful for you. 🙂 (((hugs)))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mel! We are virtual cheerleaders whispering sweet comments of kindness to each other! Wish we could meet at the local well! 🙂


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