

These are my nails.  This is what they look like most days.  Chipped.

Chipped because I do stuff.  I wash my hands a lot.  I play a lot.  I pick crayon paper off of crayons to break them and melt them into new crayons…because it’s fun.  I don’t paint my nails because I’m a girly girl.  I’m not.  I paint them because I’m a career nail biter.  I find I do better in not biting or picking my nails if they have paint on them.

Plus, my boys and I do love to paint!  What fun!  I don’t let the boys paint their nails, but I let them help me pick my weekly polish and even boldly let little fingers paint my big ones.  They are messy, and that is okay.  I’m a chipped kind of girl.

I like beauty, but I am totally over being perfect.  Today’s quote on my little in(RL) flip book was so precious to me today…May 4…

“There is no competition, ladies.

There is no little room that only a few can enter.

There are two choices, and the ironic part is that they don’t affect you.

Start tonight (or this morning), and do something bold.

Ask God to humble you (#1) and raise others up (#2).” –-Angie Smith, Bring the Rain

Wow!  Humbleness is hard.  I want to raise myself up often.  I want to be noticed.  Jesus’ message to us was totally different.  He came to serve.  He came humble…a baby, a carpenter, a servant to many.  He raised others up.  Do we do the same?  It takes effort.  It takes being okay with the “chipped.”  When we put our hands and hearts in the messy situations, we often find this is where grace lies.


In our kitchen is this sketch by Lori Withner, a friend and graphic artist from Georgia.  When we lived there my husband and I did a Disciple 3 Bible Study…during that one of the verses was about clay pots.  Lori sketched this and framed it for each of us.  A sweet token of memory.  We are all “chipped.”  p.s. Please comment if you know the verse.  I cannot find it on Biblegateway or in my brain! 

Published by graceglimmers

Seeking balance in a world that moves fast. Slowing to see God's glimmers of grace that abound around us. Growing in the strength of a Good, Good, Father who loves us unconditionally. Sharing the gifts of the gospel through words and pictures.

5 thoughts on “Chipped

  1. Just perfect. Thank for sharing this morning. I loved where you said “I’m totally over being perfect.” I’m with you on that. When I try to be perfect I either put myself down, or put others down by trying to lift myself up a little too high. Thanks of the reminder that Jesus did not crete us for perfect, but to be a vessel for Him, chips and all.


  2. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2 Cor 4:7) Oh! Hi there! Hope you’re having a great day. I just loved this picture of you are your family. Your grace glimmers right through and through.


    1. My sweet husband actually knew the verse too! I am glad to know the spot in the Bible, and I will highlight it this time. Perhaps a good one to memorize or write on the back of that gorgeous gift we were given by our friend…a clay jar sketch.


  3. So beautiful Jennifer. It is when we are humbled that we can truly love others as He does when the pain of dying to self gives way to His deep love of what He has called us to.


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